But where can you find this effect so that you can also jump on the bandwagon? The following guide will answer your questions regarding the bling effect and outline the steps to follow when you want to use it.
Steps To Locate Bling on TikTok
Let’s look at the steps to find the bling effect on TikTok:
How To Apply the Bling Effect to Pre-Recorded Videos?
The above steps outline how to use the bling effect on a new video recording. But what if you want to add the bling effect to a pre-recorded video? Whether a TikTok video or a video uploaded from your phone’s gallery, adding the bling effect to both videos is straightforward. Follow these steps to add the bling effect to a pre-recorded video:
What To Do if You Can’t Find the Bling Effect?
Some users have reported that they can’t find the Bling effect in the effects section no matter what they do. The effect might be unavailable to such users. But don’t worry. You can also apply the effect to only some sections of the video by adjusting the slider and holding on the “Bling” button for shorter. You can use multiple effects in one video and place them at different intervals simply by dragging the slider! There are still ways to add the sparkle effect to your Tiktoks. Let’s look at the steps: If you don’t own an Instagram account, you can use Snapchat filters to achieve the same effect. You can also use the inbuilt sparkle effect in the iPhone photo editor if you own an iPhone. When it comes to adding a little sparkle, the options are endless.
Locating the “Bling” effect on TikTok is straightforward and only requires a few steps. TikTok also allows users to add this effect to pre-recorded and imported videos so that users can easily add some glitter to their lives. If the bling effect is unavailable for some reason, you can use Instagram or Snapchat to add the sparkle filter to your video and then import it to TikTok.