If you uploaded a picture on Facebook and now you can’t find that photo, you may be wondering where my photos on Facebook are? Make sure you are looking for your photos in the correct place to locate them in the app. If you still can’t find your photos, there may be several reasons, but don’t worry; this article will guide you on accessing your photos.

How To Access Photos on Facebook?

If you’re having trouble locating your photos on Facebook, the following answers will guide you step by step.

On a Mobile Device

On a PC

What To Do if You Can’t Find Photos in the Photo Library?

If you have checked your photos on Facebook and still can’t find them, then it is quite possible that the pictures may be temporarily unavailable due to a glitch or a bug in the Facebook app.  Another possible reason could be that Facebook has removed your photo as it violated the privacy or security policy of the app. Regardless of the reason, here are some guides to help you get access to your photos on Facebook.

Method #1: Log Out and Log Back In on Facebook

One way to solve the problem is to log out from your Facebook account and then log in again. Logout and login will help refresh the application and will also help in troubleshooting any technical issue.

On a Mobile Device

On a PC

Method #2: Update the Facebook App

If you’re using an older version of the Facebook app, then it is possible that the app may contain bugs. The bugs might slow down your app and make your photos temporarily unavailable. You can easily update your Facebook app by following these steps:

Method #3: Reinstall the Facebook App

If you haven’t achieved any success from the above methods, you should try to uninstall the Facebook app and then reinstall it again to see if it can fix the issue.

Why Can’t The Other Facebook Users View My Photos?

Sometimes a problem may occur that prevents other users from viewing your photos. The problem can be solved by changing the privacy settings of your images. Those pictures that are ‘Only Me’ are invisible to everyone but you, and those that say ‘Friends’ are only visible to your Facebook friends. You can change it however you like and make a custom list of who can view your photos.


The photos on Facebook are usually stored in the photo library, which you can easily access from your profile. However, there may be instances where you can’t find photos in your photo library. This problem may be due to glitches in the Facebook app, which might temporarily make your photos unavailable, or Facebook might delete your photo due to a policy violation.

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