What is a Mass Message on Instagram?

A mass message is an option on Instagram that allows us to send the same message to multiple people at once. This is one of the ways to let our followers know about an upcoming event or just to say hello. Sometimes, we wish to cut down our efforts but want the result to be the same. This is where the need for mass messaging kicks in.

Different Methods To Send Mass Messages

Method #1: Use A Third-Party App

If we have a large audience on Instagram, one of the best ways to reach out to them is by using a third-party app. There are several different apps available that allow us to send bulk messages, and they’re relatively easy to use. The only downside is that we may need to pay for some of these apps, but the cost is usually worth it if you’re able to reach a large number of people. One of the options for sending mass messages on Instagram is Hootsuite. With Hootsuite, we can create groups and add people to them so that they all receive our message simultaneously. We can also schedule when your messages will be sent and can use various methods to contact people, including email, SMS, and push notifications. Here’s How To Send A Mass Message Using Hootsuite

Method #2: Do It Yourself (DIY)

Suppose we have a smaller audience on Instagram or want to focus our efforts on building relationships with our followers rather than just reaching out to a large number of people. In that case, we might want to consider creating an Instagram group. Or, let’s just assume we are using the mass message option on our personal account; we do not want to earn or advertise but rather simply send them greetings on occasions such as Christmas, Easter, etc. In this case, the best we can do is to select the users on Instagram; This will add them all to a dedicated group. We can later send our desired message to them. Here Is How To Send A Mass Message On Instagram Yourself

How Can We Get Benefit Via Mass Messaging?

As a business owner, you can benefit from mass DMs in many ways.

Opportunity To Connect

Sending a mass DM allows us to connect with your customers more personally. By addressing them by name, we create a more lovely connection that can lead to increased loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing.

Keep Your Business At The Forefront

Mass DMs can help us stay top of mind. By sending regular updates about our products or services, we keep our business at the forefront of our customer’s minds, which can lead to more sales in the long run.

Increase Brand Awareness

Finally, mass DMs can be an effective way to increase brand awareness. By including images or videos in our messages, you give our customers a visual representation of our brand that they can remember and share with others. The downside, Always be very choosy and selective while sending mass messages. People may not like being disturbed by some random business. Also, Always keep your message length as minimal as possible.


In this article, we learned ways to mass send a message on Instagram in two simple ways: Using a third party or By doing it yourself. Furthermore, we discussed the benefits we can achieve by doing marketing using mass send on Instagram.

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