Discord is a chat platform, initially built for gamers, which now has become a fun platform for everyone to find like-mind people to chat with. The platform has over 150 million monthly active users and is not coming slow anytime soon. Since Discord is growing exponentially, the platform provides the perfect opportunity to make money. Want to learn how? If you are interested in monetizing your Discord server and looking for ways, read our guide to start making money on Discord. Besides, you can also advertise businesses and other servers, offer affiliate links, create bots, direct traffic to your website or YouTube channels for additional content, and run competitions to make money on your server.

Ways To Make Money on Discord

Discord has come a long way since its launch in 2015 as a chatting platform for gamers. The platform allows users to round people with similar interests in specified niche spaces called “servers.” You can chat and share voice and videos with your members on specific channels designed around various topics or themes. Discord is growing and not coming slow. The platform has more than 150 million monthly active users and has revenues in the millions. If you want to make money, Discord provides you with the perfect opportunity to do that.  There is only one problem, though! Discord does not offer any tool to users to enable them to make money directly. So, now the question is, what can you do to earn money on Discord? Is this even possible to monetize your servers on Discord? Relax! It is possible to make money on Discord. On your way to making money on Discord, your first step would be to create a server. Next, invite people to join your server. You need more and more people to become your members to unlock lucrative opportunities for you. Here, you require some effort to lure people to your server. You can also use the help of your other social media accounts and employ some strategies (let’s not go there). Once you have gathered a considerable crowd, you can think about monetizing. Let’s learn some ways to earn money on your Discord.

Method #1: Through Paid Membership

This option will only work if you have more to offer to your members. If you provide additional services or information to your members, you can charge them for the added perks. It will only work if you have special knowledge, are a thought leader, or are an influencer in your field. Your members can go the extra mile to pay you money for your content if they think it is valuable.  How can you charge them money for your service? You can create a paid membership Discord server, where users pay for the monthly membership to enjoy it. The important thing, however, is that your paid server should offer value and perks to your members enough to encourage them to open their wallets up for you. 

Tip #2: Accept Donations

You can accept donations from people who enjoy your content and want to support you in your journey. These donations are not charity. They are your members’ way of showing their support to encourage you to create quality content. They are like tips that you receive for your services to people. You can supplement your PayPal account on your server to get donations. Similarly, you can create separate areas for your Patreon supporters that can make their donations. You can also use donation bots to encourage people to donate to your server.

Tip #3: Sponsorships

Businesses always search for ways to promote their brands or offerings. We know how Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are some of the favorite tools for marketers — Discord is not any less if used strategically. Anywho, many businesses strive to promote their products on various servers. You can offer your server to all these businesses to promote their brands. The good thing is that you only have to promote their business on your server and get a flat payment for that, nothing more! You can also use bots for advertising any offering automatically on your server at set intervals.

Tip #4: Create Bots

Discord Bots are AI-driven tools that help you to automate any task on your Discord server. There are tons of Bots available on Discord that you can use on your server.  For example, MEE6 is a bot that can perform a moderator’s task for your server. Similarly, you can find tons of music bots, poll bots, memes, etc., available at different prices. You can build bots for your community that you think it requires. You can sell these bots to your members at different rates. The success of the bot will depend upon the needs of your community. You can always ask your community what kind of bot they might be interested in.

Tip #5: Advertise Other Servers

If your server has grown more significant with considerable influence, you can advertise other small servers on your space and charge money vis-a-vis. You can also contact people to offer them a perfect opportunity to advertise their server in your community at a specified rate and build their community. There are plenty of servers on Discord that explicitly offer advertising services to other servers. These advertising servers include Global Advertiser, Discord Growth Portal, Self Promotion Central, and others.

Tip #6: Direct Traffic to Your Website or YouTube Channel

Discord is merely a chatting platform, so the content is not as extensive as people might seek. If you think people want to learn more from you or access more information or tutorials, then you can create your website and even a YouTube channel and share the link on your server. This way, anyone interested in more information will access your website or YouTube. Once your website or YouTube channel generates more traffic or views, then you can earn more money.

Tip #7: Affiliate Marketing

You can earn a commission or a certain percentage from sales through affiliate marketing on Discord, like on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. All you have to do is share a link or a promo code on our server. Anytime a person purchases via that link or promo code, you will earn a commission from such sales.  The key is to partner with those businesses that you believe offer great products. There is no point in attaching your name to a subpar product that your members will hate — you will lose your credibility this way.

Tip #8: Conduct Competitions

You can also run competitions in your community to enhance members’ participation. Do not offer such contests for free; charge a small entry fee to each member. Offer prizes to the winners to keep the interest of your community.

The Bottom Line

Like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can earn money from Discord if used strategically. In this article, we gave you some tips to monetize your server. The key to success on Discord is always putting your community’s needs ahead of everything. It is your community that will help you to earn money, so make sure, in the end, you provide maximum value to your community to keep them hooked to your content.

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