As a user, as long as you’re online, you’ll keep getting several notifications, and you can sustain them so long you’re okay with these updates. However, what if you can’t handle them? Then, you might want to think of getting rid of these notifications. However, there’s more you need to know about getting rid of Instagram notifications. We’ll be looking at how to get rid of Instagram notifications and some related frequently asked questions. So, stay tuned as we get started.

What Are Instagram Notifications?

Instagram notifications are a feature that allows you to stay up to date on the platform’s changes. On Instagram, you can get various notifications to help you keep track of things like posts, stories, comments, following, follows, and direct messages. Instagram notifications, like each other Instagram update, strive to provide users with the most excellent platform experience. Your notifications are also fully configurable, allowing you to choose what you want to hear from the platform depending on your preferences. Notifications are ideal for staying up to currently important Instagram posts. According to Instagram’s help page, you’ll automatically get notifications for any activity that includes you.

How To Get Rid of Notifications on the Instagram App

Getting rid of Instagram notifications is pretty straightforward. If you’ve made up your mind to go through this process, here are two basic ways to go about it.

Method #1: Using the Instagram’s Settings Menu

Method #2: Using Your Phone’s Settings

The steps are slightly different whether you use an Android device on an iPhone.

On an iPhone

On an Android device

How To Pause Instagram Notifications

You can also stop Instagram Notification alerts from coming in for a selected time. Here are the steps to follow:


Getting rid of Instagram notifications is something most users would want to do if they are getting irritated with the constant notifications bombarding their devices. Doing that is pretty straightforward. All you need to navigate to your profile, proceed by hitting the menu icon, then select “Settings”> “Notifications,” after which you disable the notification you want. After going through these steps, you can rest assured that these notifications will be disabled.

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