You can quickly create and delete a Discord category anytime. This guide will teach the steps for deleting a Discord category. It could be the category is no longer necessary, and you don’t need it. In that case, there is no harm in deleting it. This guide covers the steps for deleting the Discord category. We will see the steps for Android, iOS, and desktop. That way, regardless of the platform you use to access your Discord account, you will have an option that works for your case. Let’s get rolling!

What are Discord Categories?

Discord allows users to create different servers for various agendas. A server can have different channels to facilitate communication. To help with managing the servers for various servers, Discord allows users to create categories. A category helps organize channels into various sections, which you can collapse and expand when accessing the server. That way, you can manage the permissions of all channels in a given category instead of handling each channel individually. You can access a server from the left sidebar and create a category to organize the various channels under that server.

How To Delete a Discord Category

Deleting a Discord category is a straightforward process. Let’s see the steps for mobile and desktop.

For Android and iOS

That’s it. Your Discord category is successfully deleted.

For Desktop

The above two options are how you can delete a Discord category. So, use the method that supports your device, and you can repeat the steps to delete more categories.


Discord category is handy in organizing a server’s channels. You can collapse the channels and expand them when needed. When you no longer need a given category on your server, locate it and either long-press on it or right-click, then proceed to delete it. This guide has presented the steps to delete a Discord category on mobile and Desktop.

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