Read on to find out everything you need to know about Snapchat’s hourglass.

What Is the Hourglass Symbol on Snapchat?

Now, if you’re still unsure what the hourglass symbol represents, you’re not alone, and this article is here to help. If you see an hourglass (⌛️) indicator, it means that your streak with a buddy is about to expire, and you have a limited amount of time to resume the streak and terminate the hourglass icon. Snapstreak users are alerted when their streak is about to come to an end by the appearance of this ⌛️, which is a message to take action immediately. To keep the streak going, this symbol helps people remember to send snaps to one another to keep the SnapStreak going. Only the total number of photos snapped by a user and sent to another user determines the streak’s length. Snapchat does not count text messages or sticker messages to count SnapScore. The hourglass will display next to the user’s profile and the profile of whomever the user is sharing the streak with, as a warning that the streak is about to end if no action is done from the respective side.

How Long Does The Hourglass ⌛️ Remain Visible on Snapchat?

It’s time to answer another burning question: How long does the timer on Snapchat last? If you want to keep a Snapstreak going, the hourglass isn’t a favorable omen for the future. To keep the streak going, you’ll have to keep your Snapchat game on point until you and your friends decide to break the run, either individually or together. Many Snapchat users assert that the hourglass lasts between 2 to 3 hours before your streak is broken. However, many others believe it lasts between 4 to 7 hours. There is no definitive solution due to a lack of information on the help website. Some believe that the elusive period is because not all streaks are given the same amount of notice. After months of continuous use, the hourglass indicator may display up to seven hours of warning. But if your streak is just a few days old, the icon may only show up for two hours.

How To Avoid Snapchat’s Dreaded Hourglass ⌛️

We can figure out how long it takes for the hourglass symbol to appear since we don’t know how long it will persist. You and the person on the other end of the streak must exchange at least one snap per 24 hours, according to Snapchat. After 24 hours, the hourglass strikes. These strategies can help you avoid worrying about Snapchat’s dwindling hourglass timer.

Method #1: Send a Snap Instead Of Chat Messages

Sending a Snap instead of a text message is a fun and easy method to avoid the Snapchat streak timer. As a result, you can maintain your snappy streak while simultaneously stimulating the recipient to act. Instead of texting or directly messaging a certain person, remember to snap at them whenever you need to get your point across quickly.

Method #2: Send A Morning Snap

Make a point to send a “Good Morning” picture at the start of the day to your friends. It’s an easy method to get around Snapchat’s hourglass timer. Now you don’t have to worry about the day flying by before you can open Snapchat and send a snap since you won’t be running out of time anymore. Start each day by taking and sending one selfie. It’s a simple approach to ensure that the Snapchat streak timer ⌛️ isn’t visible, as we previously stated.

Method #3: Make A Shortcut For Your Snapstreak Friends

To maintain the streak, we think that we have to send a snap. However, we forget to do so and lose the game’s momentum. Snapchat Shortcuts come in handy to ensure that you never miss out on anyone while sending streaks! Adding the ShortCut to your phone’s home screen will serve as a constant reminder to use it. Those of us who are notoriously slow to act will be reminded to send snaps regularly with the Shortcut feature. You may learn how to create a Snapchat shortcut in our tutorial.

Creating a Snap Streak Shortcut

It’s time-consuming to send streaks by manually choosing all of your buddies. Did you know that with just one tap, you can send your Snapchat streaks to hundreds of friends? Yes! For sending Snapchat streaks or for your close pals, you can now create Snapchat streaks shortcuts.

Take a Photo of a Snap Streak To Send

Take a photo that you’d like to send as part of your Snapchat streak. Now, in the bottom right corner, click the send button.

Look for Shortcuts

After that, in the top right corner, you’ll find the option shortcuts. A shortcuts pop-up will appear when you click it. After that, select the flame icon 🔥. You can then choose all of your pals with whom you have Snapchat streaks.

Save the Shortcut Configurations

To preserve the shortcut settings, click Save. You can change these settings at any time by repeating the process.

Use The Shortcut

Return to the icon 🔥 after saving the Snapchat streak shortcut. Now, in the top right corner of the screen, select all. It will display all of the friends you’ve already chosen for Snapchat streaks. And now we’re off! It’s only a click away from ending your Snapchat streak. This tool is useful for sending Snapchat streaks to close friends or family members. So, that’s how you can make Snapstreak shortcuts and quickly send Snap Streaks to all of your pals.

Final Words

That’s all there is to know about the Snapchat streak timer ⌛️ and its variations. You may have been satisfied with our answers to your questions concerning Snapchat’s hourglass feature. After a brief adjustment period, it’s pretty straightforward to adapt to the new way of sending snaps and being social. In addition, if your everyday obligations keep you busy, the above suggestions will be useful for you to avoid the ⌛️ since they were written with busy people in mind.

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